Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Carúpano in Carnival


Carúpano carnivals are recognized as one of the best in Venezuela, by its color and the joy of the people. Many are the comments when he speaks of the Carnival of Carupano, some say they are the best parties this time of year, even surpassing those of Callao, others say that the most beautiful women are in this area, so it makes an additional attraction to any Carnival celebration in another area of the country. Colorful! in the streets of Carúpano art and fantasy are combined with the creative participants. Calypso is the music of the Carnival of Carupano, the rhythm that is danced day and night. Being one of the most important and traditional Venezuela´s Carnival.

 The meeting point of own and tourists to enjoy the parade of floats, is the traditional Calle Juncal or better known as Carnavalodromo. From there depart the parades, floats and individual suits that delight to all.
            The first day of the feast is expected participate at least 40 schools and colleges to give opening festivities. These schools give life to beautiful and ready floats and parades alluding to the popular cultists, traditional games and independence struggle, as a way to enhance the educational part during holidays.

After the traditional parades, Carúpano prepares for the presentations of the different regional, national and international ensembles. The Organizing Committee has two platforms; one in the shell acoustics of the city becomes the stage for those who enjoy the popular traditions and the other in the parking lot of the airport for the youngest.

During the festivities also held several elections, the first of them, it is the choice of the mini Carnival Queen, event that takes place the Saturday before the dates Festival, also is the choice of the Queen which is carried out on Friday of Carnival and a special chapter is the election night of the fireflies, which is nothing more than the choice of the Gay Queen of Carnival, which has been turning in a fairly happy and busy election by villagers and tourists.

For the Tuesday of Carnival and last date of the festivities, Carúpano goodbye Carnival through the front door when from the Hill Fort is launched the famous spectacle of fireworks that announce the end of the party.

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Churches, Squares and parks of Carúpano

 Santa Rosa Church


• Pink Holy Cathedral of Lima.

• St. Catherine of Siena Church.
• Church San Martin De Porres.
• Church our Lady of Coromoto
Church São Judas Tadeu (the flowers Guayacan)
• Church San Rafael Arcagel (Beach Big)
• Santa Cruz Chapel (Carúpano - above)
• Chapel Santa Cruz (mangrove)
• Santa Cruz Chapel (fishermen's Guayacan)
• Chapel St. Martin de Porres (St. Martin)
• Chapel our Lady of the Valley (the Valley)
• Chapel San Isidro Labrador (mucus)
• Chapel of Holy Trinity (Macarapana)
• Chapel Santa Teresa de Jesús (Uncle Peter)
• Chapel Santa Cruz (Tiger)
• Chapel St. Anthony of Padua (Suniaga)

Squares and parks

Colon Parks
Square Columbus
Square Santa Rosa
Square Simón Bolívar
Square Antonio José De Sucre
Square Francisco De Miranda
• Square José Francisco Bermúdez
• Square Andrés Mata
 Square José Félix Rivas
• Square Suniaga
• Square poets
• Park Karupana
• Boulevard de Carúpano

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Port and Airport of Carúpano

Located in Av. Perimetral, cross street La Marina, Bermúdez municipality of the city of Carúpano, Sucre State, in the West end of the Bay Hernan Vasquez. That port is far from 100 nautical miles less, from the port of Guaraguao to gas of Dragon, Patao, mussels and river Caribbean fields, facilitating the operations of PDVSA production Division offshore, assistance and provision of inputs, impacting with a cost savings.

Carúpano Port



You will come to Carúpano General Jose Francisco Bermudez CUP airport, by car or public transport, use the interactive map with satellite view or the street. 

Carúpano Airport 

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¿What is Carúpano?

Carúpano City

Carúpano is a city in the State of Sucre in Venezuela, located in the Northeast region, 120 kilometres from the State capital CumanáCarúpano is the main urban center of the region of Paria, concentrating administrative, port, educational services, health, marketing headquarters of agricultural and fishery products. The union of different geographical, climate, scenic, human factors and the large expanse of shoreline that has give great tourist attraction which attracts many tourists. 

Old House Carúpano
The city of Carúpano was ecclesiastically founded on 23 December of the year of 1647, by Bishop Fray Damián López de Haro, with the construction of a chapel in the incipient village of Carupano - up under the advocation of Santa Cruz. It is to point out that you for the year of 1647, prior to founding the city that is now known, there were some villages in valleys neighbors, like Carúpano - above, Macarapana, Guayacán, Areocuar, Caratacuar, all these hamlets belonging to Puerto Santo, first ecclesiastical parish which was erected by those contour.

City of jovial people, Carúpano had a great importance, its port from where came the shipments of coffee and cocoa. One of the things that draw attention of this city, is the House of cable, where he became the first submarine cable between Europe and America, joining the French city of Marseille with Carúpano, at the end of the 19th century. This House, today, is headquarters to the Tomas Merle Foundation and the Paria project, two of the most beautiful works that are carried out in the country and who have been awarded abroad, represent a model of harmonious growth between tourism, industry, nature and people.

Location of Carúpano

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